Data Set

Population Indicators: Urban population

Covered years

1995 - 2020

1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020


Demographic Indicators


Urban population by city size is determined by population density and commuting patterns; this better reflects the economic function of cities in addition to their administrative boundaries. Urban areas in OECD countries are classified as: large metropolitan areas if they have a population of 1.5 million or more; metropolitan areas if their population is between 500 000 and 1.5 million; medium-size urban areas if their population is between 200 000 and 500 000; and, small urban areas if their population is between 50 000 and 200 000. This indicator is measured as a percentage of the national population.

If you use this indicator, please cite as: OECD (2021), Urban population by city size (indicator). Doi: 10.1787/b4332f92-en. Data retrieved from the Social Policy Archive for SHARE (SPLASH) (distributor). Retrieved from: on Day/Month/Year.

Please see the Notes and the Metadata for details regarding definition, country-specific remarks, and other relevant information about the indicator.

This data was downloaded on 30.08.2021. Please check the original source for further information on the use of the data and proper citation.


Unit: %

Region 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Australia - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 67.89 67.98 68.07 68.14 68.21 68.30 68.48 68.63 68.79 68.89 69.00 69.16 69.34 69.58 69.83 70.11 70.37 70.59 71.40 71.51
Austria 29.13 29.13 29.15 29.17 29.20 29.31 29.42 29.55 29.75 29.89 30.05 30.21 30.30 30.41 30.49 30.61 30.74 30.87 31.08 31.28 31.48 31.72 31.89 32.04 32.08 32.15
Belgium - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 52.89 52.83 52.84 52.85 52.85 52.82 52.83 52.82 52.85 52.89 52.94 53.13 53.18 53.24 53.26 53.29 53.32 53.30 53.33 53.35 53.38
Canada - 1 52.67 52.91 53.15 53.41 53.72 54.06 54.36 54.50 54.63 54.80 55.00 55.17 55.35 55.58 55.76 55.92 56.10 56.28 56.44 56.54 56.64 56.76 56.92 57.10 57.25 2
Chile 48.52 48.54 48.56 48.59 48.61 48.64 48.65 48.78 48.73 48.68 48.63 48.57 48.52 48.47 48.40 48.34 48.27 48.22 48.14 48.06 48.01 47.99 48.08 48.22 48.41 48.60 2
Czech Republic 22.48 22.44 22.41 22.39 22.37 22.35 22.40 22.37 22.43 22.50 22.60 22.77 22.91 23.17 23.45 23.66 23.83 24.00 24.14 24.21 24.43 24.58 24.76 24.95 25.15 25.34
Denmark 21.20 21.23 21.28 21.28 21.33 21.37 21.38 21.35 21.33 21.28 21.22 21.14 21.15 21.20 21.33 21.53 21.75 21.95 22.17 22.37 22.53 22.64 22.74 22.85 22.94 23.06
Estonia 38.20 38.22 38.09 38.14 38.29 38.29 38.32 38.51 38.82 39.29 39.79 40.13 40.52 40.93 41.33 41.75 42.28 42.77 43.02 43.48 43.38 43.91 44.37 44.80 45.25 45.69
Finland 25.37 25.62 25.86 26.13 26.41 26.68 26.91 27.11 27.27 27.39 27.49 27.63 27.81 27.99 28.19 28.36 28.51 28.68 28.87 29.08 29.30 29.53 29.77 30.03 30.28 30.58
France 34.73 34.73 34.71 34.71 34.74 34.77 34.80 34.83 34.77 34.80 34.83 34.86 34.85 34.84 34.85 34.86 34.89 34.93 34.97 35.03 35.09 35.13 35.21 35.27 35.33 35.39
Germany - 1 43.30 43.24 43.15 43.05 42.01 42.03 42.08 42.13 42.18 42.22 42.32 42.44 42.56 42.67 42.76 42.66 42.84 43.00 43.13 43.24 43.31 43.43 43.49 43.54 43.58 2
Greece 45.24 45.37 45.49 45.62 45.75 45.85 45.97 45.75 45.92 46.06 46.16 46.26 46.28 46.29 46.27 46.24 46.14 46.01 45.83 45.64 45.50 45.36 45.33 45.27 45.19 45.18
Hungary 18.84 18.54 18.26 17.98 17.73 17.48 17.25 17.10 16.95 16.86 16.81 16.85 16.85 16.95 17.07 17.19 17.36 17.39 17.52 17.66 17.83 17.90 17.89 17.89 17.93 17.92
Ireland - 1 29.19 29.10 29.02 28.93 28.84 28.75 28.66 28.50 28.34 28.17 28.00 27.95 27.90 27.85 27.80 27.57 27.48 27.43 27.63 27.97 28.17 28.18 28.18 28.29 28.38
Israel - 1 68.75 68.50 68.29 68.13 67.96 67.82 67.70 67.57 67.51 67.52 67.53 67.56 67.58 68.00 67.70 67.72 67.72 67.72 67.73 67.82 67.84 67.85 67.82 67.80 67.81
Italy 47.88 47.84 47.80 47.76 47.70 47.96 47.61 47.57 47.51 47.44 47.45 47.42 47.41 47.34 47.28 47.31 47.36 47.40 47.42 47.79 47.84 47.87 47.92 47.95 47.85 47.88
Japan 54.00 54.06 54.12 54.20 54.27 54.49 54.60 54.72 54.84 54.95 55.18 55.33 55.50 55.67 55.80 56.07 56.20 56.33 56.48 56.65 56.84 57.03 57.22 57.41 57.61 57.80 2
South Korea 67.15 67.27 67.37 67.40 67.47 67.70 68.00 68.35 68.68 68.98 69.15 69.32 69.47 69.56 69.60 69.61 69.60 69.76 69.77 69.73 69.72 69.70 69.71 69.75 69.87 69.90
Latvia - 1 47.37 47.31 47.27 47.24 47.21 47.28 47.32 47.43 47.66 47.86 48.16 48.51 48.82 49.10 49.39 49.71 49.88 50.08 50.48 50.78 51.09 51.61 51.97 52.25 52.52
Lithuania 24.29 24.27 24.25 24.28 24.32 24.37 24.40 24.47 24.58 24.77 24.99 25.27 25.48 25.72 25.96 26.23 26.58 26.83 27.13 27.39 27.64 27.88 28.27 28.67 29.01 29.37
Mexico - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 45.85 46.00 46.15 46.30 46.45 46.59 46.47 46.35 46.23 46.11 45.98 45.97 45.96 45.96 45.95 45.95 45.95 45.95 45.95 45.95 46.45
Netherlands - 1 73.52 73.34 73.35 73.39 73.40 73.44 73.43 73.37 73.41 73.33 73.35 73.37 73.40 73.45 73.51 73.58 73.66 73.73 73.81 73.89 73.98 74.05 74.14 74.22 74.29
Norway 21.11 21.25 21.42 21.58 21.67 21.76 21.78 21.88 21.98 22.08 22.23 22.40 22.60 22.78 22.98 23.12 23.27 23.46 23.57 23.69 23.86 24.02 24.17 24.31 24.49 - 1
Poland - 1 27.18 27.10 27.03 26.96 27.23 27.15 27.09 27.03 26.98 26.93 26.89 26.84 26.78 26.72 26.54 26.50 26.48 26.46 26.46 26.46 26.47 26.48 26.48 26.51 26.55
Portugal 44.45 44.48 44.53 44.57 44.62 44.69 44.75 44.87 44.98 45.10 45.19 45.30 45.40 45.52 45.64 45.76 45.89 46.01 46.07 46.13 46.26 46.35 46.51 46.72 46.93 47.06
Slovakia - 1 - 1 11.51 11.48 11.45 11.43 11.12 11.14 11.10 11.06 11.03 11.02 11.02 11.03 11.05 11.09 11.13 11.22 11.32 11.42 11.53 11.67 11.81 11.96 12.10 12.27
Spain 60.83 60.92 61.01 61.11 61.20 61.31 61.41 61.61 61.84 61.99 62.07 62.13 62.19 62.24 62.32 62.35 62.38 62.44 62.51 62.58 62.68 62.83 62.98 63.15 63.32 63.48
Sweden 47.07 47.23 47.42 47.60 47.79 47.99 48.19 48.34 48.43 48.48 48.54 48.64 48.75 48.90 49.04 49.24 49.42 49.63 49.81 49.98 50.09 50.19 50.24 50.36 50.50 50.62
Switzerland 59.67 59.67 59.65 59.66 59.66 59.73 59.82 59.92 59.98 60.02 60.06 60.09 60.13 60.22 60.34 60.44 60.47 60.51 60.50 60.53 60.60 60.65 60.71 60.77 60.82 60.88
Turkey - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 31.23 31.39 31.55 31.71 31.87 32.03 32.19 32.35 32.37 32.49 32.77 33.05 33.15 33.32 33.41 33.62 33.58 33.70 33.41 33.76
United Kingdom 76.67 76.62 76.55 76.48 76.42 74.26 74.22 74.19 74.14 74.09 74.06 74.04 74.02 74.02 74.05 74.10 74.15 74.18 74.21 74.24 74.27 74.32 74.34 74.37 74.39 74.41 2
United States 42.92 42.85 42.79 42.76 42.74 42.73 42.73 42.72 42.71 42.65 42.53 42.43 42.29 42.21 42.17 42.15 42.15 42.13 42.10 42.08 42.04 41.98 41.91 41.83 41.74 41.66
1 missing
2 Estimated value