Policy Document
Act 2013-1203 of 23 December 2013
Benefits & Requirements
Coverage: Eligible groups or beneficiaries
Medium to high-income families
Types of provision stipulated by this document
Benefits offered by this document for using childcare services
Types of benefits guaranteed by this document
Does this document guarantee a provision of childcare free of costs?
Read the Law
Original full text source in native language
LOI n° 2013-1203 du 23 décembre 2013 de financement de la sécurité sociale pour 2014 Décret n° 2014-421 du 24 avril 2014 relatif à la prestation d'accueil du jeune enfant
Comments & Clarifications
Before this reform, families who were not eligible for the basic PAJE allowance received a supplement when taking the parental leave benefit (CLCA - Complément de Libre Choix d'Activité). Now the CLCA amount is the same for all families.